NHW Co-ordinators Launch Presentation Programme

As some of you were unable to attend the meeting, appreciate if you would take a little time to play back the amateur video clips taken by Betty De Souza as you will certainly see all what the Police force do to help make our towns and homes 'A SAFER PLACE' where Inspector Craig Knight certainly and positively put across his true grit message how dedicated and committed the Police Force are in supporting our Neighbourhoods.

Inspector Craig Knight also explained Borough, Area and Street Co-ordinators responsibilities where details are posted below.

Benny says ... now that I know my responsibilities as Street Co-ordinator, I will soon be arranging a get-together at our home where we can all put together a good safe plan with the interest of looking after our homes on Parklands Way. (I certainly have a few suggestions awaiting your approval).

To conclude, special thanks to Superintendent Matt Bristow for his splendid Opening Presentation and many thanks to our local police team of PC Dan Doherty, PCSO Graham Freeman and Chris Wright for inviting us to attend the Launch meeting, which Betty & I certainly enjoyed being part of the team supporting in our little way.

Special thanks to Graham for spending time helping in putting together the Power Point slideshow, and with very special thanks to our Inspector Craig Knight for providing his great slides which I understand from Graham were prepared by himself at his own home. (We know where to go for a good Power Point production).

It was also a pleasure personally meeting Samantha Page - NTC Surrey Police and Fruzsina Toth - Crime Prevention Advisor whom all make up our local Epsom & Ewell North Police team.

Thanks to Graham & Dan for kindly personally introducing us to Superintendent Matt Bristow and Inspector Craig Knight.

P.S. I will be providing details of the Launch Meeting to include video clips of all the presentations on a DVD for those interested to view on your TV screen which has a better audio sound system. This will be ready next week (time permitting).

Benny De Souza
(Parklands Way Street Co-ordinator)


Opening Presentation by 
Superintendent Matt Bristow
Please click on video clip below and for full screen view
please click on the small box located at the bottom right.

 Please wait for a few good seconds for video to start. Thanks

Inspector Craig Knight - 3 Presentations.
Please click on video clip below and for full screen view
please click on the small square box located at the bottom right.

PC Dan Doherty's Team
Please click on video clip below and for full screen view
please click on the small box located at the bottom right.

Benny De Souza - Blogger - Watch the Blogspot!!

Benny's short Presentation


Please click on video clip below and for full page view
please click on the small box located at the bottom right.

Please click on video clip below and for full page view
please click on the small box located at the bottom right.


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Some photos taken at random at the meeting.
Regret low quality of pics - Ben to blame again!
Camera wrongly set - excuses!!!

Please note - To view any slide full size, you have to click on the slide which will give you a still slideshow. Video clips also attached for each presentation. Thanks.

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Meeting preparation some Candid fun photos taken at random.

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Lovely well produced colourful Surrey Police
Crime Reduction Pack issued to all members who attended
the meeting. PC Graham has kindly given me copies for our Parklands NHW Members which I will soon hand deliver.
Regards to one and all.

Please click on each slide to view full size for easy reading.
To go back click on the top left BACK arrow on your browser.
Regards - Benny

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Detailed Co-ordinators guideline responsibilities will soon
be added to this blogspot. You will be advised. Thanks.

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Kindly provided by Samantha Page

Overview of the Neighbourhood Watch Meeting 28/09/2012

  1. Superintendent Matt Bristow
Superintendent Matt Bristow opened up the evening and introduced the Team. The role that Superintendent Bristow plays within the Neighbourhood Team was discussed, and how important it is to all work together. He has the professional role of overseeing the Neighbourhood Team here in Epsom and he really supports everyone involved in Neighbourhood Watch.
  1. Inspector Craig Knight
Epsom Borough Inspector, Craig Knight was then introduced and explained how Neighbourhood Watch should be working within Epsom and the expectations of the Co-Ordinator. Inspector Knight explained how important it is that every element of Neighbourhood Watch is present for it to work effectively, such as an “Active” member keeping an eye out in the area, the people passing the information to Police and other residents and getting the response needed to catch the criminals. As Inspector Knight stated more eyes present keeping a look out the better, to help Police be in the right place and at the right times.
A short audio clip was then played, the audio talked about the real life experience of a victim of a Burglary and the impact this had on her at the time and even now.
The Police are paid to be Police and the public are unpaid Police. We need your help.
Tea Break
  1. Fru Toth (Crime Reduction Officer)
Fru was then introduced to explain her role as a Crime Reduction Officer and what she offers to Neighbourhood Watch, such as Free Surveys of your house if you are burgled; she will come around and try and help advise you if there are any better or different security measures that can be taken to avoid anything like that happening again. Fru gave information on stickers and the signs you should be given to help you in your role.
4     Sam Page (Neighbourhood Team Co-Ordinator)
I was then introduced to discuss what I do and my role within Neighbourhood Watch. My main goal is to be here for you and to act as an admin liaison between you and the officers. I will be here to help and give advice as much as possible and am here to arrange for any visit or extra contact you may need from your officers. Equally I am here to gather your information and intelligence and send on appropriately.
5.   PC Dan Doherty
      PC Dan Doherty then explained his role as your local Police Officer
      and described what has been done already to get neighbourhood
      Watch started. To begin with there were a limited number of streets
      that had Neighbourhood Watch and Dan explained that now most
      streets have a Co-Ordinator and are involved in some way in
      Neighbourhood Watch; which is a major achievement.
6  PCSO Graham Freeman
    Graham then talked about his role as your local Police Community
    Support Officer, and the sponsorship needed to help with 
    Neighbourhood Watch, luckily we have had enormous support from
    Budgens which has made it possible to get more signs and stickers out
    to you all and they have even been kind enough to offer a space in their
    store for one of the local meetings with residents. Sponsorship is really   
    important in these times and without it we would be struggling a lot more
7. PCSO Chris Wright
    Police Community Support Officer Chris Wright then discussed
    the opportunities you/family and friends have to meet with the team, and    
    explained  where the different meeting places were; such as the Trix
    CafĂ©. There are many options for young and old to get involved in their
    Neighbourhood and to keep in contact with us. Please see below for   
This is to offer all residents from the area the chance to ask questions to the local Police team
When: 16/10/2012 20:00
Location: ST MARY'S CHURCH The Avenue Worcester Park. KT4 7EW.
This is your chance to meet your local team and discuss any issues you may have in your area. Businesses and local residents all welcome.
When: 20/11/2012 12:00
Location: Outside Trix Cafe The Broadway Stoneleigh Epsom KT17 2HP.
This is a chance for the residents and commuters to meet the local police team and ask questions
When: 11/12/2012 18:00
Location: STONELEIGH TRAIN STATION The Broadway Stoneleigh Epsom KT17 2JA.
8. Benny and his Blog
   Benny then came to speak to everyone about the Blog
    that he has been creating to help us, and described how everyone can
    get involved in this and how important communication is to keep
    Neighbourhood Watch going successfully. If anyone has any ideas or  
    wants to get involved with the development of this please let your
    officers know and we will pass your details onto Benny.
9. John Dibley
    John Dibley was then introduced to explain his role as a Borough Co- 
    Ordinator and how this impacts and can help any street Co-Ordinator.
    John described the hierarchy there is for Neighbourhood Watch and  
    helped to explain what is needed from each role. The main support
    needed is just to share the information and messages from Police to  
    keep everyone updated with what is happening in the area and to have
    a point of contact quickly to disseminate information
10.  Inspector Craig Knight
       Inspector Knight then ended the evening and thanked everyone for    
       their attendance and reconfirmed how important everyone’s support  
       and advice is in making this work. Neighbourhood Watch’s must be
       “ACTIVE” to work.
11.  Questions
The room was then asked if they had any questions for the Team. These were the questions and answers to them.
        . When will there be more signs ready to be put up in the areas  
          lacking them at the moment?
          PCSO Freeman explained that new signs which have been
          sponsored and paid for by Budgens will be going to print in the next    
          week to 2 weeks and should be ready to be put up very soon. 
          Councillor Eber Kington then spoke and explained that all 
          Councillors had signed up to provide an amount of funding for their
          area and Fru is in the process of sorting this out, funding is available  
          and signs will be distributed shortly.
          Budgens have also agreed that every 4 months a Saturday drop in 
          at the front of their shop for the community to inform their officers of
          any issues they may have.
        .  How many cars and resources are available for the area?
           Inspector Knight explained that there are 24/7 resources available
           and always will be for any emergencies via the 999 system or 101.
           For Neighbourhoods there are 44 staff with 11 cars that are
           available mainly between 8am-10pm, however this is flexible
           depending on needs in the Borough. Other resources can also be
           used from other forces such as the MET, Sussex etc if there is a   
           vital Police emergency.
Your Team thanks you very much for your attendance and we will continue to keep contact with you, and inform you of any future Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator Meetings.

Samantha Page (11728) Neighbourhood Team Co-ordinator
Safer Neighbourhood Team 
Epsom and Ewell 
Surrey Police
Phone number 01483 637320
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Sunday 30th September 2012

Dear Members

Details of the Launch Meeting held on Friday 28th September 2012 will follow shortly to include video clips of the presentations on the night.

Please check this page which will also provide the relevant responsibilities associated with the different co-ordinator groups.

Best regards

Wednesday 12th September 2012.
NHW Co-ordinators

Dear Members

cc: NHW Police Team - Dan, Graham, Chris & Samantha

LAUNCH OF NHW Epsom & Ewell North

Please oblige and read information attached below in preparation for the Launch of Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators meeting organised by our NHW Surrey Police Team, scheduled for Friday 28th September 2012 and open to all our members.

To view full page for easy reading, please click on each slide below.
(To return to the main blog, click on top left arrow on your browser).

Thanks & Regards

P.S. Link page on blogspot is titled NHW Co-ordinators